
Collecting data from different sensors

View the Project on GitHub marcpaul/human-sensors

Sensors included
Electronic Components: Olimex Texas Instruments InvenSense Analog Maxim
My Prototypes

This was part of a project for a "dream study". The device was battery powered so the patient could stay at home in his normal environment. The data sampled could be written on sd-card or transfered via bluetooth.

Sensors included:

Electronic Components:

Olimexino STM32

Olimex Olimexino-STM32 board with STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller



Libraries for the LeafLabs Maple. Based on Arduino Libraries. The Wire Library handles the communication to I2C devices.

Based on the SDFAT Library.

I made some minor changes to the code to work with the Olimexino STM32. Maple SDFAT Library

Olimex MOD-MAG

Olimex MOD-MAG 3-axis magnetometer MAG3110


MAG 3110
Also based on the Arduino Version.
Olimex MOD-LCD3310

Olimex MOD-LCD3310 Nokia 3310 LCD display


LCD 3310
Based on the demo project for the LPC-P1227.
Olimexino MOD-BT

Olimex MOD-BT bluetooth module


I've included the initialization in my code because you can use simple "AT" commands.

Olimex SHIELD-ECG-EMG ECG/EMG shield for STM32 board

Olimex LiPo Battery

Olimex LiPo Battery 3.7V/6.600mAh

Texas Instruments INA111

Texas Instruments INA111 instrumentation amplifiers

Texas Instruments INA326

Texas Instruments INA326 instrumentation amplifiers

Texas Instruments OPA2604

Texas Instruments OPA2604 operational amplifiers

Analog ADG1608

Analog ADG1608 4-channel multiplexer

Maxim DS1337

Maxim DS1337 I2C serial real-time clock


DS 1337
Based on the Arduino Library.

I made some changes to fit my project. But this version should run on every Olimexino STM32.

Maxim DS2438

Maxim DS2438 smart battery monitor

Recom RNM Series

Recom RNM 3.305S DC/DC Converters

My Prototypes:

EEG Right Leg Drive

EEG Right Leg Drive

Filter for Recom DC/DC Converter

Filter for Recom 3.305S DC/DC Converter

Download Schematics
EEG Board

EEG Board

Other stuff

We used Ambu Neuroline 720 Single Patient Surface Electrodes.
The Electrodes have a K-Connector with 1.5mm Diameter.
There are matching connectors to fit into custom enclosure.
I used Multi-Contact MLB1.5R. They are available in many different colors.


EMG captured with KST2

This is an example of an EMG.
The software I used is KST2.
The upper graphic shows the raw signal, the lower graphic is filtered with a 50Hz Notch Filter.

Download KST2


Eclipse IDE

This project can be imported into Eclipse without changes. You must use the GCC Toolchain with Eclipse.

Maple IDE

You can use the code in main.cpp with the Maple IDE without libmaple and makefiles. Of course you must import all other libraries into Maple. With Maple you can write code and program any board with the stm32 cortex m3 processor, like the Olimexino STM32.


With the Energia IDE you can program any Texas Instruments Microcontroller, like the one I used the MSP430G2553.


Now I'm using the wonderful Atom Editor with the PlatformIO Package.

This is the perfect combination because you can customize the shit out of the Atom Editor and PlatformIO supports all main Microcontrollers like the Texas Instruments MSP Series, the Arm Cortex, Arduino of course and many many more.